Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Existence and Color

This is the type of thing I sit around and think about for days before coming up with a conclusion. I rarely write it down.
Reality exists as a dimension of this universe. (Sort of) In the way that I believe none of this exists at all (that would include the exact idea of reality (existence of the dimensions in this universe)) so in saying I do not exist, or rather this universe does not exist, I am saying existence (in terms of our universe) does not exist. If existence does not exist, isn’t that like hypocrisy? Existence over negative existence? We end up with nothing, is this an existence paradox? Nonsense, it’s not.
If you think about this: a whole different universe, would they have existence too? Things could be entirely different there. When thinking of a different universe and its laws of physics, the only thing limiting you is your brain. You can come up with basic ideas, like how we have 3 dimensions and time, and some others (light, sound, etc) that don’t technically count as dimensions. In a different universe, there could be something like say an unseen dimension, like something everyone knows is there by means of other senses. Like how humans have ideas of gods and angels and ghosts, but in this universe you would know for sure that it’s there like I know I’m typing this (or maybe not considering it could be a hallucination, but whatever). Anyway, since something like that and so much more would be possible in this new universe, would something other than existence be possible? Yes there could be 100% existing and not existing at all and things in between for certain dimensions that they may have, different varieties and etc etc – but the mere idea of existence can’t really change. Either it’s there, it’s not, or something else but the concept stays the same. Every single time I ask myself the question, I give the same answer, of course it could be something else entirely from existence, but then I go, well no, either it’s there, it’s not, or another variety of it.
Therefore, existence is, like you would say universal, but when talking about the possible existence of other universes, I’m going to use the term multiuniversal. Existence is multiuniversal. So in saying that this universe does not exist, I am not saying existence does not exist. But there is another dilemma – the one of that being that if this universe doesn’t exist, would others? I can’t really say this universe doesn’t exist while saying others can without sounding like a fool. So if other universes were to exist, either this one does or doesn’t. If it doesn’t, then the others don’t either, but they’d still be there – there has to be something behind this universe if it doesn’t exist. That’s what I mean. So that same thing would be behind the others that didn’t exist. So it could work either way. It sounds kind of stupid, but there HAS to be something behind this universe, right? If it didn’t exist, I mean. So if other universes were to exist, and this one didn’t in fact exist, then the other universes would have the same thing behind them that was behind this one.
If this whole universe were to exist, would it just be like a dream or hallucination? That’s existence of the mind, which could act as a dimension of the many (I am not using the correct term – what I mean by dimension being like the 2nd, 3rd, time, light, sound, mind, etc) When we sense something, it’s our brain telling us we are. Perhaps if we truly 100% believe something is happening it is. But maybe it’s not that. Could it be we just have to manipulate our brains into thinking a certain thing, not us? Then what’s the difference? I suppose then that it is a matter of convincing our subconscious minds not our conscious minds. When you hallucinate and can literally hear and feel something, your conscious mind may in fact know it’s not real – then what’s creating it? Your subconscious mind, I’m guessing. So if you wanted to alter reality for yourself, convincing your conscious mind, which must be practically impossible, would not be relevant – it would be convincing your subconscious mind somehow, which is more possible. Your brain is telling you what you feel every moment of the time you live. You don’t hear in your conscious mind exactly what you are feeling and hearing, you don’t consciously think the signals your brain sends to the rest of your body. It happens somewhere else in your brain. Whether it’s in the subconscious brain or not, I don’t know, but the part of the brain that tells your body what it’s feeling is the part you have to convince. Maybe that combined with your subconscious if your subconscious isn’t where the commands happen.
But this is not altering reality for everyone. It’s just for you. So it is not proof that this universe does not really exist. A possible proof if we could somehow prove it is thinking so much of something that it really happens. I’ve never personally experienced this, but if it happens to you like 10 times within a month because you do it one time and use the same technique over and over, that could be a possible proof to look into (but it would only prove it to you)

On another note, what is color? Dogs can’t see color, as I’m sure you know. If humans couldn’t either, and no animals or life whatsoever could, would color still be there? It’s like that thing with the saying, "If a tree falls and nobody is around to hear it, does it make a sound?" My answer to this beautiful question is of course no, it doesn’t make a sound because the definition of sound is "Sound is vibration, as perceived by the sense of hearing." If absolutely no life that can sense sound is nearby (unlikely), it does not make a sound because nobody is there to perceive it. Color is something like how a light hits an object and makes wavelengths on the visible spectrum. That was not worded correctly. You know the whole thing with the prism held in sunlight and it makes all of the visible colors. And how white, in light, is a combination of all colors. Color has to do with light. Not so much with perception as sound does. When using google to define, the results are very different, but they did seem to have something to do with perception. One is "electromagnetic energy that exists in the form of wavelengths creates the perception of color". If this is really true, then color is just the perception of the form of wavelengths, so it would not exist if no life could sense it. But would it still be there? Since color depends on frequency and wavelength, I’m guessing it would.

~Profound Thoughts Of A Young Woman~

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